
and why (in my opinion)


I've been in a few "computer science/programming" programs ran in my school (I plan to join an actual class, i swear!!) and they usually just give a introduction into very basic computer stuff that you should've probably knew before enrolling into said program.
Anyways, after they're done with the introduction they throw a shitty laptop at you with lessons.
When you enroll into these classes you never get told what coding/markdown language you're gonna learn, so it's always a surprise.
I enroll in these classes, hoping I'll learn something or maybe something more but...

I don't learn anything or even feel motivated to learn anything

It's not that I don't do the lessons (at first) but that makes lessons so fucking BORING and HARD TO UNDERSTAND.
If I were to learn html and css on there instead of w3schools, this page most likely wouldn't have existed or would've looked super fucking ugly tries to make coding easy with it's interactive games and drag block learning but it just makes it...harder? The videos barely help either and you can't just "ask the teacher because even the teacher doesn't understand!
I've heard they even hire big tech icons for their videos (thank GOD i haven't seen any of those)

Even if you do learn something, trying to apply that in a real situation out of the site, doesn't work. It's better to just teach them normally from the ground up

For example: Want to learn html/css? Give the kid a application where they can write the code, like VScod(ium), as actual web designers use this and it's really simple to use. Teach them basics, then make the kid make a goal for themselves then teach them how to do that
Want to Have big text on top of an image? h1 and img!

And it isn't just me it's the rest of the class too! They literally don't even try the assignments after a few of them and play with toys!!
Although this could be because their parents enrolled their kid because he is gaming on his rgb computer, but the kids seemed actually interested in the start.
I think it's because of how unengaging and like I said, boring, actually is

idk anymore